Images and descriptions of plants that are currently available or will be available seasonally.
- 'Tinga' Holly
- Abelia - Canyon Creek
- Abelia - Grandiflora
- Abelia - Kaleidoscope PP#16,988
- Abelia - Radiance
- Ajuga 'Chocolate Chip'
- Arborvitae Emerald
- Arborvitae Green Giant
- Azalea Encore Assorted
- Azalea Formosa
- Azalea Formosa Red
- Azalea G. G. Gerbing
- Azalea George Tabor
- Azalea Gumpo Pink
- Azalea Gumpo White
- Azalea H.H. Hume
- Azalea Hino Crimson
- Azalea Judge Solomon
- Azalea Pink Ruffles
- Azalea Red Ruffle
- Azalea Southern Charm
- Azalea Sunglow
- Bamboo Multiplex
- Blueberry Ira
- Blueberry Powder Blue
- Blueberry Premier
- Blueberry Tiff Blue
- Boxwood Wintergreen
- Buddleia Buzz Magenta
- Butterfly Bush "Lo and Behold" PP# 19,991
- Butterfly Bush "Miss Molly" PP 23,425
- Butterfly Bush Black Knight
- Butterfly Bush Buzz Midnight
- Camellia sasanqua assorted
- Cast Iron Plant
- Cast Iron Plant Milky Way
- Cephalotaxus Fastigiata
- Cephalotaxus Prostrata
- Cherry 'Kwanzan'
- Cherry Okame
- Cherry Yoshino
- Cleyera
- Coreopsis 'Baby Sun'
- Coreopsis Moonbeam - Tickseed
- Crape Myrtle 'Pink Velour'
- Crape Myrtle Acoma
- Crape Myrtle Biloxi
- Crape Myrtle Catawba
- Crape Myrtle Dynamite PP#10296
- Crape Myrtle Muskogee
- Crape Myrtle Natchez
- Crape Myrtle Sioux
- Crape Myrtle Tonto
- Crape Myrtle Tuscarora
- Crape Myrtle Twilight
- Crepe Myrtle 'Red Rocket'
- Cryptomeria Dwarf
- Cypress Bald
- Cypress Carolina Sapphire
- Cypress Gold Mop
- Cypress Leyland
- Daylily
- Dianella Variegated
- Dianthus Firewitch
- Distylium Coppertone
- Distylium Vintage Jade
- Dwarf Yaupon Holly
- Echinacea Magnus - Purple Coneflower
- Elaeagnus Fruitlandii
- Elaeagnus Glen St. Mary
- Elm - Lace Bark
- Elm, Princeton
- Emily Bruner Holly
- Fern, Autumn
- Fern, Holly
- Florida Anise
- Forsythia Intermedia
- Fothergilla Dwarf
- Gardenia Frost Proof
- Guava Pineapple
- Hardy Hibiscus
- Holly Burford Dwarf
- Holly Carissa
- Holly Compacta
- Holly Inkberry 'Shamrock'
- Holly Needlepoint
- Holly Sky Pencil
- Holly Soft Touch
- Holly Yaupon
- Hollywood Juniper
- Hosta 'Blue Angel'
- Hosta 'Stained Glass'
- Hosta 'Wide Brim'
- Hydrangea - 'Lime Light' PP# 12,874
- Hydrangea - Little Lime USPP 22,330
- Hydrangea Mariesii Variegated
- Hydrangea Oak Leaf
- Hydrangea Penny Mac
- Hydrangea Phantom
- Hydrangea Pinky Winky PP#16,166
- Illicium Mexican
- Indian Hawthorne Eleanor Tabor® PP#9398
- Indian Hawthorne Minor
- Indian Hawthorne Snow White Dwarf
- Itea 'Henry's Garnet'
- Japanese Maple
- Japanese Silverbells
- Jasmine Asiatic
- Jasmine Asiatic Variegated
- Jasmine Confederate
- Jasmine Confederate 'Variegated'
- Juniper Blue Pacific
- Juniper Blue Point
- Juniper Blue Rug
- Juniper Procumbens Nana
- Karley Rose Fountain Grass PP#12909
- Lantana
- Lantana 'Anne Marie' PP#11310
- Lantana Anne Marie
- Lantana Chapel Hill
- Lantana Ham and Eggs
- Lantana Miss Huff
- Lavender, Munstead
- Ligustrum 'Swift Creek'
- Ligustrum - "Sunshine"
- Ligustrum - 'Golden Ticket'
- Ligustrum East Bay
- Ligustrum Howard
- Ligustrum Jack Frost
- Ligustrum Japonica
- Ligustrum Recurvifolium
- Lilac Miss Kim
- Liriope Big Blue
- Lomandra 'Katrinus Deluxe tm' PP#19,262
- Lomandra Breeze Grass PP#15,420
- Loquat
- Loropetalum Daruma
- Loropetalum Jazz Hands Variegated
- Loropetalum Ruby
- Loropetalum Sparkling Plum
- Lusterleaf Holly
- Magnolia 'Butterflies'
- Magnolia Bracken's Brown Beauty
- Magnolia stellata 'Royal Star'
- Magnolia Sweet Bay
- Magnolia'Little Gem'
- Mahonia Bealei
- Mahonia Fortunei
- Mahonia Soft Caress PP#20,183
- Maple - Japanese Ryusen
- Maple - Japanese Tamukeyama
- Maple - Japanese Waterfall
- Maple - October Glory™
- Maple Japanese Bloodgood
- Maple Japanese Coral Bark
- Maple Japanese Crimson Queen
- Mary Nell Holly
- Miscanthus 'Band Width'
- Miscanthus Adagio
- Miscanthus Gracillimus
- Miscanthus Japanese Silver Grass'Cosmopolitan'
- Miscanthus Porcupine Grass
- Mondo grass
- Mondo grass Dwarf
- Muhly Grass
- Muhly Grass 'White Cloud'
- Myrtle Wax
- Nellie R. Stevens Holly
- Oak Leaf™ Holly PP#9487
- Oak Live
- Oleander Pink
- Oleander White
- Osmanthus Fortune's
- Osmanthus Fragrans
- Osmanthus Goshiki
- Palm Australian (Pindo)
- Palm European Fan
- Palm King Sago
- Palm Sabal Palmetto
- Palm Windmill
- Pampas Grass
- Paperbark Maple
- Pennisetum 'Princess Caroline'
- Perovskia - Russian Sage
- Pittosporum Compacta
- Pittosporum Variegated
- Pittosporum Wheelers Dwarf
- Podocarpus Maki
- Podocarpus Pringles Dwarf
- Quince 'Toyo-Nishiki'
- Quince Texas Scarlet
- River Birch Dura Heat
- Rose Drift Apricot PPAF
- Rose Drift Peach PP#18542
- Rose Drift Pink PP#18874
- Rose Drift popcorn PPAF #24,773
- Rose Drift Red PP#17877
- Rose Drift Sweet PP#21612
- Rose Knock Out Blushing PP#14700
- Rose Knock Out Double Pink PP#18507
- Rose Lady Banksia Yellow
- Rudbeckia Goldsturm - Black-Eyed Susan
- Salvia
- Salvia 'Radio Red'
- Small Anise-Tree
- Spirea - Ogon
- Spirea Gold Mound
- Spirea Neon Flash
- Spirea Shirobana
- Umbrella Plant
- Viburnum Awabuki Chindo
- Viburnum Suspensum
- Viburnum Tinus Compactum
- Vitex agnus catus 'Shoal Creek'
- Weeping Willow
- Weeping Yaupon Holly